Project Outcomes

In general, the EU Transport Acquis seeks to increase efficiency in the EU internal market, higher standards of safety and security, easy access of citizens to services and employee rights. While reaching these targets, an environmentally compatible transportation policy is followed, and the most advanced technologies are disseminated.

With the ATLAS Project, Türkiye’s convergence with EU standards in the field of transportation will be ensured and it is aimed to obtain maximum benefit in the harmonisation process with the EU acquis. The expected effect is to have a more efficient and safe transport network, and the transportation issues will not be an obstacle in the membership negotiations, just as it is aimed in the EU.

In our daily life, the effects of the project will be felt with the realization of the project and the realization of long-term goals.

  • Low-cost transportation options
  • Reducing costs, saving time, and increasing profit margins in passenger, goods and services trade
  • Safety and security standards equal to or higher than the EU
  • Transport policies and practices in line with the EU with high environmental sensitivity
  • Current practices to be implemented together with the EU in the use of technology and digital transformation