
About the Project

The "ATLAS" Project, implemented by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure General Directorate of European Union and Foreign Relations, is designed to contribute to Türkiye’s economic and social development policies and its integration with the EU, by creating a competitive, environmentally friendly, and sustainable transportation system in line with the EU acquis.

With the Project prepared in line with the "Harmonization of the Acquis and European Union (EU) Integration", the 4th Action of the Transport Sectoral Operational Program, it is aimed to develop the legal infrastructure to facilitate the harmonisation process with the EU Acquis in the field of transport.

The “Analysis of the Transport Legislation of Türkiye in the Process of Harmonisation with the EU Acquis (ATLAS)”, of which the Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, General Directorate of European Union and Foreign Relations is the Contracting Authority and beneficiary, is carried out by the consortium led by DAI Global Austria Gmbh & Co. KG.

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The Aim of the Project

With the realization of the ATLAS Project, it is aimed to contribute to the regulation studies carried out by Türkiye for harmonisation with the EU Acquis in transportation.

In order for our country to have a competitive, accessible and sustainable transportation system, the Ministry of Transport makes legal arrangements. Ensuring integration with the transport modes in the EU is also taken into consideration when making these legal arrangements. Thus, the necessary legislative infrastructure is being created to become an important part of the Single European Transport Area (SETA), which has an important place in our trade, in case of access and membership to the Single Transportation Network.

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Project Objective and Outcomes

The ATLAS Project is one of the most significant indicators of Türkiye’s determination in harmonisation with the EU and has been designed as the most comprehensive legislative harmonisation study between Türkiye and the EU in the field of transportation.

Within the scope of the project, differences and gaps between EU legislation and Turkish transport legislation will be determined and gap plugging suggestions will be made for each of the existing regulations in order to ensure harmonisation. The relevance of the recommendations will be supported by regulatory impact assessment studies, and as a result, a Strategy Report and Action Plan will be prepared for legislative alignment.



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